
Take control in verifying, screening, and badging visitors — whether for a single lobby or multiple entry points with smart and secure visitor management system.
visitor management

Secure your premises and create good first impression on your visitors

EasyVisitorPass is an Enterprise Visitor management System that revolutionize the way you secure the premises and manage the incoming and outgoing visitors whether they are planned or not. It provides you total control in verifying, screening, and badging visitors— whether for a single lobby or multiple entry points.Keep an eye on your visitor movement with simple check-in an check-out. EasyVisitorPass gives a complete overview of all your visitors: past, present and future. You can tell at a glance

visitor management
Intuitive and quick visitor registration.
EasyVisitorPass is designed to facilitate the organization in doing away with the manual process of filling up of visitor passes. With EasyVisitorPass, your staff can register their visitor using their emirates ID or have visitor use our self registration module on Android or IOS tablet.

visitor management
Pre-registration and self-registration for smooth experience
With EasyVisitorPass, it's even possible for your visitors to register themselves. They simply enter their name, organization, phone number and select host name, and print their badge using our web-based registration or using one of our tablet application at your reception. The host will be automatically notified via email and/or SMS as soon as the registration is completed.

track visitor movement
Keep an eye on your visitor movement with simple check-in an check-out
EasyVisitorPass gives a complete overview of all your visitors: past, present and future. You can tell at a glance who is visiting, when they arrived, when they departed, and who they came to see.

custom visitor management
Customizable and scalable solution to meet your organization's unique requirements
EasyVisitorPass can be easily customized based on your requirements. Further, since it is scalable and robust solution it can be easily integrated with the third party application to provide more secured environment.
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